First Black Female With a Nationally Syndicated Strip
Black History Month
Brandon-Croft was born on Long Island, New York, to Brumsic Brandon Jr. (1927 to 2014). Her father was a cartoonist who created the comic strip Luther which was in circulation from 1970 to 1986 from the Los Angeles Times Syndicate. She and her father are the only known father-daughter newspaper cartoonists.
Where I'm Coming From began in 1989 in the Detroit Free Press. The comic strip is about the experiences of about twelve Black women and the challenges of being a Black woman living in the United States. The characters are based on Brandon and her real-life friends.
Basic writing rule #1. Write what you know!
Where I'm Coming From went into national syndication in 1991 with the Universal Press Syndicate making it the first comic strip by a black woman to be syndicated in mainstream newspapers.
Jackie Ormes’ Torchy Brown comic strip was not in mainstream papers.
The comic strip was featured in more than sixty newspapers between 1989 and 2004. It appeared in newspapers throughout the United States, including Essence, The Sacramento Bee, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and The Baltimore Sun, as well as in The Gleaner in Jamaica and the Johannesburg Drum magazine
You may read more about her here.
Other resources
Black Women in Comics NYC panel Discussion
Women in Comics
Kids's Comic Con
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