Tuesday, January 20, 2015

12 - ArtRage 4.5 Canvas Grid Tool

ArtRage. Amazing, Essential, Ultimate Grid Tool

There are quite a bit of drawing and painting software out there. Some very expensive and some not so good. Some very inexpensive and are great to use. 

I will take some time to focus on them. First, we will start with ArtRage

ArtRage is drawing and painting program built from the ground up for artists. It very closely, simulates natural drawing and painting tools. It also has a very short learning curve. And costs less than $50.

This grid can be used for reference and has an additional interactive function. The grid is a very flexible tool and can be used for:
  • general composition
  • aligning elements for design work
  • patterns and mazes
  • blocky cityscapes
  • lettering
  • quick straight lines or squares

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Monday, January 19, 2015

11 - ArtRage 4.5 Improved Pencil Tool

ArtRage Artists. How to Have Better Point Control with Your Pencil

There are quite a bit of drawing and painting software out there. Some very expensive and some not so good. Some very inexpensive and are great to use. 

I will take some time to focus on them. First, we will start with ArtRage

ArtRage is drawing and painting program built from the ground up for artists. It very closely, simulates natural drawing and painting tools. It also has a very short learning curve. And costs less than $50.

Live Pencil Tilt
Tilt your stylus when using the pencil tool and it will appear on the canvas as a thicker line. This improvement helps to add the more natural touch of the pencil tool.

Precise must be turned off. 
Tilt must be visible in the Settings panel.
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Remember… Just Create!

Friday, January 16, 2015

10 - ArtRage 4 Interface with me Tutorial

ArtRage. How to Get A Grip on The Interface

There are quite a bit of drawing and painting software out there. Some very expensive and some not so good. Some very inexpensive and are great to use. 

I will take some time to focus on them. First, we will start with ArtRage. 

ArtRage is drawing and painting program built from the ground up for artists. It very closely, simulates natural drawing and painting tools. It also has a very short learning curve. And costs less than $50.

A look at the shiny new interface.

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Remember… Just Create!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

9 - ArtRage 4 Stylus Properties and Recognition Tutorial

ArtRage. Unleash the Power of Your Stylus

There are quite a bit of drawing and painting software out there. Some very expensive and some not so good. Some very inexpensive and are great to use. 

I will take some time to focus on them. First, we will start with ArtRage. 

ArtRage is drawing and painting program built from the ground up for artists. It very closely, simulates natural drawing and painting tools. It also has a very short learning curve. And costs less than $50.

The tool system allows you to control which properties of the tool are affected by which
properties of the stylus. ArtRage 4 supports Wacom's Stylus ID System, so it can track each unique stylus that you use with it and the new Stylus Control Center allows you to allocate specific tool settings to specific styluses.

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Remember… Just Create!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

8 - ArtRage 4 Symmetry Tool Tutorial

ArtRage. Your Mirror Can’t Do This

There are quite a bit of drawing and painting software out there. Some very expensive and some not so good. Some very inexpensive and are great to use. 

I will take some time to focus on them. First, we will start with ArtRage. 

ArtRage is drawing and painting program built from the ground up for artists. It very closely, simulates natural drawing and painting tools. It also has a very short learning curve. And costs less than $50.

You may get ArtRage here

Provides on-canvas 'mirrors' that generate symmetrical strokes as you paint; with control
over the number, angle, center point of the axes and the type of symmetry (rotational
or mirrored).

Remember… Just Create!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

7 - ArtRage 4 Cloner Tool Tutorial

ArtrRage. How to Get A Grip on Cloning

There are quite a bit of drawing and painting software out there. Some very expensive and some not so good. Some very inexpensive and are great to use. 

I will take some time to focus on them. First, we will start with ArtRage. 

ArtRage is drawing and painting program built from the ground up for artists. It very closely, simulates natural drawing and painting tools. It also has a very short learning curve. And costs less than $50.

The new Clone Tool allows you to clone paint and photos on the canvas, including its texture and other physical properties.

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Remember… Just Create!

Monday, January 12, 2015

6 - ArtRage 4 Scrappy Noisy Views Tutorial

ArtRage. Is it noisy in here tor is it just me?

There are quite a bit of drawing and painting software out there. Some very expensive and some not so good. Some very inexpensive and are great to use.

I will take some time to focus on them. First, we will start with ArtRage.

ArtRage is drawing and painting program built from the ground up for artists. It very closely, simulates natural drawing and painting tools. It also has a very short learning curve. And costs less than $50.

You may get ArtRage here.

Scraps of paper you can pin and use for mixing colors, notes or making thumbnails or sketches

Views display all or part of the canvas and updates live as you paint.

New image filter adds noise to the canvas.

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